חיל הקשר והתקשוב
    תוכן מרכזי בעמודדלג על תוכן מרכזי בעמוד

    Signal Corps Heritage

    The department of the Signal Corps Heritage is located at the Memorial Site and is responsible for programs related to preserve the history of the IDF Signal Corps and its predecessors. It collects, catalogues and preserves the relevant archives in order to enable academic studies on Military Communications activities and personnel (e.g. Chief Signal Officers) and performs activities in the following principal fields:

    • "Instruction sets" on the History of the Signal Corps and its predecessors, each includes a short movie on DVD (15 min.), a compendium of references and a lecture lay-out for presenting the subject.
    • Lectures and presentations to IDF officers and soldiers.
    • Exhibits of C4I apparatus and hardware displays (with explanations) in IDF Museums.
    • Memorial events related to the "Signal and C4I Corps", including quizzes and ceremonies.
    • Lecture-meetings of the members of the Veterans Club.

    Gideonim: A Legacy to Follow


    Hebrew with English subtitles



    Gideonim were the Haganah Signal Service wireless operators who established and operated the secret radio networks serving the Mossad Le’Aliya Bet in illegal immigration (Ha’apala) and arms shipping operations, prior to the foundation of Israel.


    Transmitters and receivers were created out of nothing; operators were trained; cyphers were produced; secret radio stations sprung all over Europe and the Middle East, with headquarters in Palestine. A network enabling command and control of complex operations was established with meagre resources.


    The film presents the Gideonim Legacy, serving as a guidance to today’s Signal, Computer and Communications Corps. This is a legacy of creation out of nothing, of self-sacrifice, of dedication, of persistence, of professionalism, of faith and vision - and the Gideonim, men and women, are the focal point of this legacy.






    Last Contact

    One step forward, two steps back in solving the mystery

    Colonel (Ret) Daniel Rosenne

    The Association for the Commemoration of the Fallen Soldiers of the IDF Signal Corps, 2019



    On Both Sides of the Crypto

    Col. (Res.) Uri Goren, On Both Sides of the Crypto, 2008.

    Translated by Aryeh Malkin, 2018




    Heritage of the IDF C4I Corps

    Colonel (Ret) Daniel Rosenne

    The Association for the Commemoration of the Fallen Soldiers of the IDF Signal Corps, 2019




    IDF Signal & Electronics Corps in the Yom Kippur War, 1973

    Colonel (Ret) Daniel Rosenne

    The Association for the Commemoration of the Fallen Soldiers of the IDF Signal Corps, 2019



    Sara - Clandestine HF Wireless Station


    written by colonel (Ret) Daniel rosenne

    רישום לעמותה ותשלום דמי חבר רישום לעלון מורשת
    הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצהדלג על הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה

    הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה

    עבור לתוכן העמוד