חיל הקשר והתקשוב
    תוכן מרכזי בעמודדלג על תוכן מרכזי בעמוד

    A few words by our president:

    Dear friends and colleagues, 

    Almost 30 years have passed since we have initiated the Association for the Commemoration of the Fallen Soldiers of the I.D.F Signal Corps who lost their lives while being in active service and those who served before the war of independence in 1948. 

    During the first years, 1982-3, we defined our vision and missions namely to preserve, enhance the legacy of valor, care for the bereaved families and injured soldiers and bequeath it to future generations.  We designed it as an active and vivid memorial site. 

    Our Association takes a very active part in strengthening the legacy and heritage of the Signal Corps and in strengthen the "Esprit de Corp" and the national spirit.  

    The most important wing on the site is the prestigious "Commemoration and Heritage" wing where we name, display and honor the fallen soldiers.  

    This is done by providing teaching content/subject matter kits, teaching our history and establishing the I.D.F Signal Corps and National Command, Computers, Control and Communications HERITAGE CENTER -  SCHC (the MARMAK, in Hebrew – מרכז מורשת קשר). 

    We have defined our goals to include the goal of building a Technical Wing that will implement a living memorial to perpetuate the center by giving the public and future personal an active meeting place and operating facilities for the benefit of the general public and specially the Communication, Electronic and Computers Corps and other communities. 

    A site/center that will educate future generations in similar activities and trades that the fallen did. 

    The military office that cares for and serves the injured soldiers, families and Fallen is located at the site in Yehud and actively keeping the commemoration all year round, hand in hand with the association. 

    We have envisioned, planned and built multiple facilities and a multi functional set of professional wings, classes, convention halls, dining halls and other facilities. 

    I am pleased to note that we have achieved and implemented the building of all of the facilities and most of our main mission which is commemoration and intimate contact with the bereaved families.       

    Looking forward, we see ourselves broadening the activity of commemoration, strengthening our contacts with the families, as well as broadening our combined activity with the Signal Corps towards educating and implementing the essence of our great heritage into the knowledge and minds of our soldiers. We consider ourselves as the OLDER BROTHERS of the Signal Corps’ large family. 

    We will endeavor to enlarge the number of participants and visitors at the site.
    Each visitor to the site participates actively in the act of commemoration. 

    At present and more so in the future the activities of commemorating and teaching the heritage are intertwined and supporting each other. 

    The above is only a brief sample of what we plan and will do, and there is still a lot to be done.  

    A large variety of information on who we are and what we do can be learned from our Internet site and much more can be seen and experienced on a visit to the site. 

    "SEEING IS BELIEVING ". You are invited to visit the site and honor the
    fallen soldiers.



    Yours faithfully and always in contact,


    Gen. (res.) Shlomo Burstein Inbar
    President of the Association


    רישום לעמותה ותשלום דמי חבר רישום לעלון מורשת
    הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצהדלג על הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה

    הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה

    עבור לתוכן העמוד